Why Andor is So Important for Star Wars


Andor is one of the most satisfying Star Wars projects of the last ten years, and not only that ,I believe it’s one of the most important Star Wars stories of all time. Show creator Tony Gilroy, also known for co-writing Rogue one, Directing The Bourne Legacy and producing other productions such as Nightcrawler and episodes of House of Cards, has created a magnifying glass inside George Lucas’s Star Wars world, pointed right at regular people inside a galaxy occupied by an oppressive Empire.

From the Effects of an Empire on the galaxy and deeply Complex Characters to the jaw-dropping cinematography, whilst witnessing the early beginnings of a rebellion rising, comes a show that not only sets the gold standard for all future Star Wars Stories, but also deepens our relationship and understanding of what life truly was like within a galaxy far far away, more-so than in any other Star Wars movie or tv show that has come before it.

With foundations of a Spy Espionage Thriller, an already unique narrative style first for a Star Wars story, is a sci-fi drama set in one of the most chaotic transition periods of the Star Wars galaxy, where the creative team for Andor have undeniably made a narrative and visual masterpiece that is so important for enhancing existing Star Wars stories and laying the groundwork for new narratives to come. This is Why Andor is So Significant for Star Wars Story Telling.

This series on a surface level we can assume is about our hero, Cassian Andor, but it’s really about change and a revolution. But this show is titled Andor, obviously. Andor, is only Cassian’s last name, given to him by his adopted mother Marva, and his sacrificed father Clem Andor. This story is about the fight to stay alive, the fight against the Empire and the consequences that our characters and their surroundings endure, in a bid for a better future, a future without an Empire.

By the time we see our heroes in Rogue One, they say Rebellions a built on hope, but these rebellions, before hope comes, sacrifice must cast it’s shadow. As the Rebellion Rises, some must fall. Marva, Clem, Timm, Karis, Kino, Bix, Skeen and Gorn, just to name a few.

At the heart of Andor and it’s future Rebellion leaders it’s all about breaking points. When is Mon Mothma’s breaking point to take the fight public against the empire? When is Andor’s breaking point, where he will finally join the Rebellion? When is Kino Loy’s breaking point that he will finally accept that the Empire won’t let him go once his sentence has expired? Where is the Empire’s breaking point that they begin to crack down on the rebel activity in the galaxy? and my favourite, Luthens transformation and sacrifice of all, to play a dual sided character. It all ties in.

Conclusion: The Future of Star Wars / Summary

If I were to tie all this up, I wanted to firstly say, that I made this video essay because of my love of Star Wars and great story telling. Andor reportedly hasn’t received the highest viewing numbers as it’s a show that is most distant from the typical style of previous Star Wars stories that have come before it. But, Andor does so much to enhance our feelings towards these past stories, as our distaste for the Empire grows exponentially after witnessing the horrors they bring through their control to people throughout the galaxy.

I always get a wave of emotion when watching the final celebration in Return of the Jedi knowing our heroes have beaten the Empire, and Andor really adds so much more weight to the victory. Finally, I hope more people over the years, get to experience Andor like we did and that the minds behind Lucasfilm take their great deal of passion, love and attention to detail they placed in the production of Andor for all future Star Wars shows and series to come. Because the more times we get to be immersed, captivated and escape to a galaxy far far away like we have in Andor, the greater the future of Star Wars will be.


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